Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Reflection 2021


Here is my reflection about my year.
Reflection of Tui 2021 by Pippa

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Haiku poem

A haiku poem is  a Japanese poem.  We couldn't use the word 'the' in Japanese poems. There are five syllables in the first sentence, 7 syllables in the second line and the 5 syllables in the last line. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Narrative Writing-Little Miss Coco

 I made a narrative story I had to think what settings it would be in, the problem and the solution to the problem. I also had to make  a character  and choose who that would be. You could chose to do an animation or a picture.  I chose to do a picture. Here is my story.

Miss Cocoa is a happy little girl. She likes exercising because she drinks a lot of water and cocoa. That's why she is exercising. She has a pet lion, her name is Smile. Smile is still a baby. She likes eating colours and likes playing with people that she knows.

Miss Cocoa was finishing her shopping then it started raining. She was not far from the shop when it started to rain harder. She went back to the shop and she bought an umbrella...

Dun dun dun dun but her hands were full, so she bought a  head umbrella. Before she could say “miss”, Mr Leopard popped out of the sky and he broke her head umbrella. He said “Can I be your umbrella?”. By the way, when rain touches Mr Leopard he starts to poop, then the rain turns into poop rain. Miss Cocoa says Mr Leopard is disgusting. One more thing, when thunder and lightning happens he has a big smile out his bottom. Then she zipped  his bottom to stop him from turning into a volcano rainbow. He shot lava out and made Miss Cocoa fall in love with him. The End… but they had kids. The boys are leopards and girls are tigers. That is the true end...

Thursday, August 26, 2021

cat house time



IT took me 2 days to make this cat house I used boxes ,wool ,wrapping paper.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

free choice writing 2


It goes red like a rose

Orange like autumn leaves

Yellow like sun 

Blue like the sea 

Purple like a plum 

Grey like a cloud 

Black like a black bird 


Soft and fluffy is a  nice feeling. Velcro is rough. Spike's feel bad. Slime is nice.


Flowers smell like pollen. Leaves smell like trees.

The book smells like home. Water smells like animals. Animals smell like cats. Cats smell like tigres. Grass smells like stars. Stars smell like the sun. The sun smells like earth.The earth smells like my family.
This is a collage of textures from my writing.

my lego house

The thing in the pool is a plug. The thing that is green and white is a lamp. It has an invisible roof.


Friday, August 6, 2021

Statistic Investigation.

We are learning to:

  • Pose investigative questions.

  • Plan for and collect data.

  • Display data in tally charts, pictographs and bar graphs.

  • Make statements about data displays.

  • Answer the investigative question.

I found it hard to colour the bar graph and to find the bar graph when using Google Sheet. I've learnt I need a title with a bar graph.